Supermarket 2025 dates: 3–6 April 2025
Open call closed 11 October 2024
Supermarket 2025 dates: 3–6 April 2025
Open call closed 11 October 2024

Three quick questions to Lizaveta Matveeva from LUDA gallery, St Petersburg

Today we are talking to the artist Lizaveta Matveeva, one of the Project Managers at LUDA gallery, one of the artist-run galleries that will participate in SUPERMARKET 2016.

Hi Lizaveta! Nice to meet you. Could you tell us a little bit about LUDA Gallery?
LUDA gallery is a non-profit gallery that was first opened by the artist and curator Peter Belyi in 2008. It existed for one year in its first version and during that year Peter presented more than 50 solo exhibitions by St Petersburg artists, so there were openings almost every week, and towards the end of the year even more regularly. After the end of the project, a final large exhibition summarising the year was held in a different space and in subsequent years a series of several small exhibitions and large projects happened that were based on the experience from the first LUDA.

Today's LUDA is almost two years old and presents artists from other cities and countries. We are trying to study, uncover, explore and represent marginal, unknown and hidden micro-communities from other regions and countries and in this way compare them with our own situation and think about what unites and separates us, our similarities and differences.

At Supermarket LUDA gallery will show the project Metanoia. How would you describe Metanoia?
Metanoia (μετάνοια), the Greek for 'changing one's mind', is a personal project by the St. Petersburg artist Denis Patrakeev, who is representing contemporary St Petersburg minimalism. 

Metanoia is about looking our mysterious surroundings in the eye, remaining alone, sensing reality in eternity, in a halted reality. Through print, fragility and links, through colour and inversion to the symbol, to anonymous consciousness and back to the beating of your own heart. The process of finding out, of identifying with everything, putting your own consciousness through the deconstruction of its chimera, from stereotypes of social programmes to the acquisition of experience of spacial undoing. 

What do you look forward to the most at Supermarket?
We expect that Supermarket will become a forum for international representation for our gallery.  We have created a certain reputation as an exciting, independent space where you can see art that you cannot see anywhere else in St Petersburg or to some extent elsewhere in Russia. We feel a need to move to an international level – to take a step towards organising and curating exhibitions not only in St Petersburg or Moscow, but in Sweden, Holland, England, France and elsewhere, because art has no borders – apart from the ones that we have ourselves created.

Denis Patrakeev, 'Metanoia'
Outline of the exhibition booth at SUPERMARKET 2016
Photo credit: LUDA Gallery
Exhibition 'Speech in a Dream' at LUDA Gallery in St Petersburg