Supermarket 2025 dates: 3–6 April 2025
Open call closed 11 October 2024
Supermarket 2025 dates: 3–6 April 2025
Open call closed 11 October 2024

Three quick questions: Laura Ortiz-Vega and Gregorio Barrio from Antena Estudio, Mexico City

Part two of our "Three quick questions" interview series! This time we've spoken more with Laura Ortiz-Vega and Gregorio Barrio from Antena Estudio in Mexico City about their collaboration and specifically the piece "Celula" which will be exhibited at Supermarket 2015. 

Hi Laura and Gregorio! Who are you?
We are artists from very different backgrounds. Gregorio is a Traditional Artist from an indigenous group in Mexico called "Huicholes" and I am a Contemporary self taught artist from Mexico City.

Could you tell us about your piece "Celula"?
Laura: "Celula"is the first collaboration between Gregorio and me. This work is a combination of traditional techniques and contemporary urban imagery. As Huichol Art has been the most influential form of art in my work, having the opportunity to collaborate with one of the masters of this art, represents to me a more profund understanding of the culture of my country.
For me, "Celula" contains all the information necessary to develop a new visual vocabulary based on the traditional ritualistic imagery of the Huicholes and graphic elements of urban art. It represents the contrast between the old and the new but more than the contrast, it represents the balance and the point of departure to rethink and revaluate the tradition.

What do you look forward to the most at Supermarket?
We think that Supermarket is the perfect opportunity to share a part of our culture with a fresh and open public as are the Nordic people. We are very excited for our participation at the fair!


Take a look at Lauras website and an interview with Gregorio (in French)


Photo credit: Laura Ortiz-Vega and Gregorio Barrio