Supermarket 2020
20–26 April
Supermarket 2020 had to be rescheduled, but that does not mean we would just let this long-planned week go dead and unnoticed. From Monday 20th to Sunday 26th April we will let you to experience first-hand some of our exhibitors and other participants’ magnificent art presence online. We are of course saddened that this week is so much different to all our other frantic art-fair-build-up weeks around this time of the year – but at the same time excited to allow our exhibitors to speak for themselves via our channels.
Every day of the week, we will hand over Supermarket’s social media to one of our exhibitors to give a twist on our regular posts and offer their own insights from around the world. On Instagram and Facebook you will meet Videokaffe, Niigata Eya, Medrar, Why Quit and others. So if we seem even more wacko than usually, you now know why!
And there is more. We reached out to all the exhibitors and other participants as well as our staff and volunteers to contribute to the Supermarket 2020 blog during the next seven days. We are collecting and posting photos, artworks, snippets of art projects, interviews with artists, strange art rituals, memories of previous Supermarkets and much more. (There is still time to get in touch if you want to take part.)
Last but not least, book your online agendas for the Official Opening of the Cancelled Version of Supermarket 2020 on Wednesday 22nd April, 18.00. Join us with a glass of champagne to celebrate the artist-run spaces around the world with glittering eyes and unbearably optimistic mindsets.