Supermarket 2025 dates: 3–6 April 2025
Open call dates: 26 August–27 September 2024
Supermarket 2025 dates: 3–6 April 2025
Open call dates: 26 August–27 September 2024

Supermarket receives the BUS award 2013

BUS is the Visual Arts Copyright Society in Sweden and the the award was created and is funded by BUS and The Swedish Magazine Publishers Association.

Project managers Andreas Ribbung, Pontus Raud and Meggi Sandell. Photo: Malou Bergman

The Jury had this to say:
“Supermarket has since 2006 not only become a major player in the Swedish art scene, but has, through an extensive network of contacts, developed into an international reference point and meeting place for artist-run galleries. It brings together a large number of galleries: in 2013 from more than 30 countries worldwide. Its central location at Kulturhuset in Stockholm allows it to reach a large audience. However Supermarket is not only a stage for international art, it also creates a forum for debate around important social issues where the arts can play a role. At Supermarket you meet contemporary and experimental art, art that is not filtered through commercial considerations. Supermarket is an important element of the multifaceted arts scene. It needs support for its continued existence.”