Day 2 at Supermarket: Saturday 15/2
The Supermarket storm continued on Saturday. Everywhere you looked there were visitors and artists talking about the art – which makes us happy and proud. Our aim is to create a networking platform where people can meet in a context of creativity.
All of the performances and discussions in the TALKS and Red Spot programme were fascinating, expressive, gripping and, naturally, experimental. TALKS started at 1pm with the presentation ”The Hub of Contemporary Arts in Syria” by AllArtNow director and curator Abir Boukhari and artist and co-founder Nisrine Boukhari. The audience got to know more about AllArtNow's history and current situation as well as hearing how Nisrines’ art projects are formed by living in Vienna with the memories from Syria. It was followed by a contemporary dance performance from OHYRA, Rebekka Aldén's and Julia Benon's energetic and expressive chorepgraphy, in their ”Supernova Extravaganza Show”.
PUMA Scenkonst with Saskia Oljelund on stage, placed in plexiglass, held the audience in its grip throughout the hour-long performance. Her monologes based on the experience of being a young woman left noone untouched.
The last act was Kristal and Johnnyboys’ ’The Movie’, an experimental act combining phenomenal music with a great dance performance by Kristina Hanses and Jonny Eriksson.
The meetings programme continued as well as the filming and editing of Super TV!
More to come tomorrow: until then – enjoy the images from today!