Altán Klamovka Gallery
Prague 5, Czech Republic
Altán Klamovka, founded 2004, in a non-profit autonomous exhibition zone for Czech and Slovak visual artists. The curatorial focus is site-specific projects, drawing, installation, graphic design, performance and new media. The curatorial intent is based on the current topics in art, such as sustainability, calming of the mind, minimal lifestyles, a return to tradition and intergenerational dialogues. The gallery also presents and cooperates with foreign artists.Searching for lost worldsArtists: Jana Bernartová/CZE/, Petr Dub /CZE/, Darja Lukjanenko /UKR/ and Cameron Tauschke /AUS/Curator: Lenka Sýkorová /CZE/We see the twilight zone as the interface between day and night, but also as the interface between the physical and virtual worlds.