Zolder Museum

Amsterdam, Netherlands


The Zolder Museum (zolder =attic) is a museum of art located in an attic of a typical Dutch house in Amsterdam. It started in January 2011 with the goal to bring forth better understanding of what a museum of art is and what it does to art and vice versa.

The mission of the Zolder Museum is to become a self-standing, economically, politically and culturally independent art institution. With a wide range of production practice (besides hosting art events, the Zolder Museum produces and publishes a quarterly The Zolder Museum Paper and a fashion line Marcel Ivens) the Zolder Museum is dedicated to the dialog between the art and the art institution, the artist and the community, the established and the experimental. Its’ mission is to challenge and develop the knowledge and understating of the system of relations within the world of art but above all, its’ mission is focused on making art, as socially beneficial and significant human practice.

“My teeth”, digital print, 48x27 cm, 2011, Charlotte Wandt
“Fur die bienen”, HD video/video loop, 2010, Kristina Benjocki
“Research Table / Composition 1”, photograph (digital print on paper), 50x 70 cm, 2011, Aimée Zito Lema
“Untitled monuments”, slide projection, 2011, Kristina Benjocki
“First day Last day”, pen on paper, 13x17cm, 2011, Eva Pel
“Ben Coven”, silk screen print on canvas, 120x65cm, 2006, Iva Supic Jankovic
“Earth”, silk screen on paper, 75x50 cm, 2011, Iva Supic Jankovic
"Nothing spiritual", Metamina 5 mg, glass vitrine, 11x11x8 cm, 20 cm across, 2008, Charlotte Wandt
“If you listen to me I'll tell you a story”, textile, size variable, 2011, Isfrid Angard Siljehaug