ZET foundation
Amsterdam, Netherlands
At the Supermarket Art Fair we will present the work of DAT ( Drawing Apart Together), PJ Roggeband, and Alite Thijsen.
DAT, Drawing Apart Together
(Claudie deCleen, Tammo Schuringa and Corinne Bonsma)
DAT stands for Drawing Apart Together. Claudie de Cleen and Tammo Schuringa established the initiative in 2008. In 2011, Corinne Bonsma joined the project. Unfinished and incomplete drawings, preliminary drawings and studies are exchanged by post and worked on collectively. DAT facilitates the desire to break loose from one’s own drawing process, thus creating space for the unexpected, in order to broaden horizons.
"Drawing-things"- PJ Roggeband
The drawings of PJ Roggeband are a combination of a rough approach, a surprising use of materials, and lively language expressed through playful performances. The weblog of his "Elfletterig Genootschap" (Eleven-letter Partnership) has grown, according to insiders, to be the broadest weblog in the world, and reflects his attitude to art and to the public sphere.
Untitled - Alite Thijsen
For Alite Thijsen, drawing is the visualisation of a process. The drawings are the "terra incognita" in which ideas first find form, and are further developed into images and projects in public space. For Stichting ZET, she developed the project Amstelpark Ode, which includes the blog amstelparkode.blogspot.com