Toves Galleri

Copenhagen, Denmark

The artist-run exhibition space Toves Galleri is named after, and situated in, the shopping mall Toves Galleri, which in turn is named after the local Danish writer Tove Ditlevsen, who grew up in the neighbourhood. From the onset the exhibition space was dedicated to the experiment, itself being an experiment; an artistic workout space assimilating into the context of an empty, bankrupt shopping mall with a fitness centre as it’s closest neighbour. The artist Pind founded the exhibition space inviting 20-something artists to participate in the project with him, using the artists’ previous works as starting point for a new beginning.

After a year with various exhibitions and events, the place now seems to have found it’s platform, supported by a now smaller group of visionary artists, who have reinvented the space, and generously will provide the local art scene with the possibility to experience or exhibit projects or curated shows in the probably largest, white cube, artist-run exhibition space in the city.

Super Egg (inspiration material). Image copyright: Piet Hein
Flipism (inspiration material from Flickr, by inColumbus/Luke Kramer)
Donald Duck story Flip Decision cover art by William van Horn (inspiration material)
Sergels Torg, 1959 (inspiration material)
Show: Alef. Installation view. An exhibition based on the short story with the same name, by Argentinian writer J.L. Borges. Showing pieces put together, pieces still wrapped in bubble plastic and pieces transmitting eachother, the exhibition aimed at releasing the art object from the shape of a standard exhibition, defining alternative work presentation formats.
Show: Alef. Artist: Pind. An exhibition based on the short story with the same name, by Argentinian writer J.L. Borges. Showing pieces put together, pieces still wrapped in bubble plastic and pieces transmitting eachother, the exhibition aimed at releasing the art object from the shape of a standard exhibition, defining alternative work presentation formats.
Show: Being Christian Jeppsson. Artist: Veronika Skotting. Title: 50 & Sexet. On the Culture Night in Copenhagen in 2010, people were invited into the exhibition space to make artworks reminiscent of the works by Christian Jeppsson, a member of Toves Galleri. The other artists had gathered a pool of random scrap materials to build from. Christian Jeppsson was unaware of the event until the he showed up at the event.
Show: Being Christian Jeppsson. Artist: Thomas Poulsen (FOS). Title: Kom så, Honza Hoeck. On the Culture Night in Copenhagen in 2010, people were invited into the exhibition space to make artworks reminiscent of the works by Christian Jeppsson, a member of Toves Galleri. The other artists had gathered a pool of random scrap materials to build from. Christian Jeppsson was unaware of the event until the he showed up at the event.
Show: Pidgin. Artist: Huzuni Bahati Kuki. Title: Horoscope, 2011 (detail). Materials: Scrap materials, coins. For this show the members of the exhibition space are showing under pseudonym, and in this way attempting to free their artistic production. The show was also influenced by the large amounts of scrap lying in the streets, due to flooded basements after a heavy rainstorm in Copenhagen.