Rejmyre Art LAB
Rejmyre, Sweden
Rejmyre Art LAB is displaying artifacts and documentation from the research project Performing Labour, which was conducted at the Reijmyre Glass Factory in the summer of 2016. A group of Swedish and international artists were invited by research leader Daniel Peltz to "think labour” through their own artistic practice and respond to their experience at the factory while working the same hours as the glass blowers (6.45-16.30) for up to three weeks.
“I’m interested in creating conditions that allow us, as a group of artist researchers, to inhabit a parallel state of consciousness to that of the other workers in this factory. It is a kind of consciousness study. We enter the factory as participants in a guest worker program and are subject to many of the mechanisms of mediation at play within the factory. Our role within this space is to produce products of labour, about labour. The glass workers produce at least two primary products, glass objects and a tourist spectacle of their own labour creating these objects. We locate ourselves inside the creation of this spectacle and use these specific conditions to think labour through our own varied ways of being.”
- Daniel Peltz
Participants: Alex Auriema, Robyn Backen, Unndór Egill Jónsson, Ioana Jucan, David Larsson, Meri Linna, Filip Olszewski, Daniel Peltz, Sissi Westerberg