Produzentengalerie 4h-Art
Hanover, Germany
4h-art is a producer gallery based since 2006 in Hannover, with the goal of creating space within which artists, male and female, from diverse cultural circles, with disparate cultural understandings - eg from the German-speaking countries, from Europe, Africa and other continents - a space within the German-speaking world in which they can showcase their own artistic approaches.
To what extent can a person derive in particular artistic inspiration from his/her environment. How and when does the view change regarding this alien, this stranger in foreign place, where the artist from afar is alienated by the unknown. What is lost by losing the familiar, what remains, which novelty impinges, supports or inhibits; is it credible, does it pose a risk or perhaps it becomes an enrichment, a novel perspective on the happening, the world, the new place, of the individual in particular? How, possibly in which combination, does that affect an individual artist? How do they express this through their art?
Since January 2006, 4h-art has opened a brief window once a month, to be precise every 3rd Sunday of every month, between 2 pm and 6 pm - 4 hours of art in each and all of its multiplicities; from painting, graphics, objects, sculptures, collages, assemblies, over photography, photo collages, performance, video installations and more, through to moving pictures, films. A spectrum including readings, presentations, papers, concerts, musical improvisation.
After 10 years and more than 120 exibitions 4h-art is transforming the concept towards project based calls for exhibition e.g. "bellowing stag 2015". The aim was to grasp the image of the "bellowing stag" in its environment from a intercultural and multi-genre perspective, to search for today’s equivalents and the "bellowing stags" of tomorrow and understand which context promotes affinities to it and its equivalents.
4h-art will exhibit painting, collage, fotography, assemblage and sculpture tumbling around the central theme "the stranger/the foreign/the unknown" with the aim to show that the boundary between unknown and familiar is fluctuating and disperses with time or even get turned over.