Nieuwe Vide

Haarlem, Netherlands

Energieplein 69
2031 TC Haarlem
The Netherlands
Haarlem, Netherlands

Arthur, Daniel and Domink probably have a larger pantry, a better equipped tent and a sharper knife than you. All of them identify as preppers: they spend their free time accumulating supplies and building self defense equipment, so they are prepared for potential crisis emergence. In the experimental documentary “We’ll have time for that later” they turn into camera men and give directions to the filmmaker Verena Hahn, who now becomes a protagonist herself. As they instruct her on how to light a bonfire or how to cut firewood, they also convey ideas of how communities should be organized and who has the right to lead or speak.
Film maker Verena Hahn shot the documentary shortly before COVID 19 turned the rather hypothetical scenarios from the film into the new normal. The film has been shown at Stroom Den Haag, Kunstverein Harburger Bahnhof and won first prize at the Münzenberg film competition. At Supermarket Art Fair, Hahn will present the film together with a furniture piece, designed and built together with product designer and carpenter Moritz Müller.

We´ll have time for that later
We´ll have time for that later
We´ll have time for that later

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