New Media Society / Va Space

Tehran / Isfahan, Iran (Islamic Republic of)

Roodaki st
1585845591 Isfahan
Tehran / Isfahan, Iran (Islamic Republic of)

New Media Society is a project space, archive and library dedicated to New Media Arts. NMS acts as a hub and mediator for several emerging project spaces across the country.
At Supermarket 2016 NMS presents Va*, a project space from the city of Isfahan, Iran, founded in winter 2014. Va has no physical space, but defines itself through events. It moves around different artists’ studios, private-house-basements, galleries, and other artist-run spaces in the city. Va also utilizes technology in order to bend spaces and juxtapose of different locations by Skype talks and lectures.
*In Persian, ‘Va’ equal to ‘And’ in English, used as a function word to join one finite word to another so that together they are logically equivalent to an infinitive of purpose.

Va_ Part of an installation_Palas Number Zero_2016