KX Space
Brest, Belarus
KX Space is an independent cultural space in Brest. It was opened in 2014 by the collective of Kryly Khalopa theater, in 2021 was closed due to repression. KX Space is created as place for theater, contemporary art, non-formal education. KX work is aimed to activate the cultural life in the region and Belarus, to support local initiatives.
KX space works as a gallery of contemporary art. The main objectives are the presence of Belarusian and foreign contemporary art in the public space of Brest, support the critical and contemporary art, as well as the projects aimed an inclusion of “excluded” artists for various reasons.
Theatre “Kryly khalopa” (from 2001 till 2011 Free theatre) was founded in 2001 as an activist project joining art and critical view on the social and political situation in Belarus.
Theatre Mission: implementation in the performative form of the critical view on the problems of society, the development of contemporary theatre art of Belarus and innovative theatre practices.
In Supermarket we would like to present the projects of KX gallery also the activity of the theatre Kryly Khalopa.