Kropotkina 11
Saint Petersburg, Russia
197227 Saint Petersburg
Leningradskaya oblast
Saint Petersburg, Russia
KROPOTKINA 11 (St Petersburg, Russia) is a space for different practices with a prearranged date of death (18.07.19) that work with various social, cultural and political events from all times, as a way of rethinking present and its continuity. It's an artistic project, where сritical theory, aesthetics and community practices merge together, forming a transversal hole which produces a proximity beyond friendship, a possibility of research work beyond institutions, and art outside the museum infrastructure. We dedicate our time to a slow irregular work with communities, marginal practices, mistakes, tentatives, contemporary, obsolete and timely historical layers and characters. It all stems from a reading group of the A Thousand Plateaus book by F. Guattari that continues its path of de-territorization and wonders: what is possible to do right now?