Gocart Gallery

Visby, Sweden

Gocart Gallery in Visby is run by “The Gallery-association in Gotland” that consists of about 80 artists and a board of 9 representatives. Our aim is to show interesting contemporary art and the gallery also serves as a vital cultural focal point for both members and guests.

Gocart Gallery initiates and encourages co-operation and exchanges with local, national and international artists, collectives and organizations.

C. Anders Wallén “Sans Issue”, Video Still, 2009
Mårten Medbo “Schoolyard monkeys”, Stoneware, 2011
Mårten Medbo “Schoolyard monkeys”, Stoneware, 2011
Mårten Medbo “Schoolyard monkeys”, Stoneware, 2011
Erik Scheid, untitled, 2011
Karin Landin Larsson "Nyckel" Oil on panel, 2011
Mona Malmström "Best Friend Snap I" Digital Print, 2010
Hanna Stahle "Turbulent 2" 2011
Butoh dancer Frauke performs in Lifeboat installation, Gocart Gallery 2011, Photo: Anders Larsson