Galleria Huuto
Helsinki, Finland
Kalevankatu 43, inner court, 00180
00180 Helsinki
Helsinki, Finland
In Supermarket 2022, the booth of Galleria Huuto becomes a venue for two interwoven projects that deal with the act of drawing, and the relation between the artist and the audience. Three artists from Galleria Huuto will exhibit different approaches to these subject matters: Anu Haapanen and Piia Kokkarinen will create a drawing installation, that forms through a dialogical and interactive drawing process during the fair, and Timo Tähkänen will make a series of performances, reflecting on the performative act of drawing and the artists relationship with the audience.
Anu Haapanen and Piia Kokkarinen have both worked on large-scale, spatial charcoal drawings. In this collaborative project, the artists aim to create a spatial and visual synthesis of their ways of pictorial thinking and expression. A common fascination for charcoal as a material, with a shared interest in intuitive and improvised drawing, form the basis of the process. In front of a live audience and in communication with the viewers, the piece will develop into a comprehensive installation.
Timo Tähkänen’s clown character Elle Cockerel will bring to the fair a daily, hour-long interactive performance The Artist Is a Present, and a one-off performance Hopscotch. Elle Cockerel is a curious and playful character; in a typical clownlike manner, Elle ponders the ways of the world and all the peculiar phenomena in art, combining play and art historical references in their whimsical performances.