Galleri Maskinen

Umeå, Umeå, Sweden

galleri maskinen
pilgatan 28 umeå

Maskinen is currently a project based gallery without any fixed gallery space, since the summer of 2012.

It is run by Joakim Hansson, Jonas Westlund, Ann-Catrin Olsson, Eskil Liepa, Ylva Westerhult, Jonas Gazell and Malin Tivenius

Maskinen is an artist-run non-profit gallery space. Our ambition is to run an untraditional art space that doesn't recessarily work inside the white cube. We want to test the bounderies of what can be done and are interested in exploring experimental methods and expressions in contemporary art. We want to create an active meetingplace for different interdisciplinary artist through cooporation with local and international artists. The goal is to make an alternative to the bigger and more established institutions at the local art scene and give place to lesser exposed trends in the different forms of contemporary art. Established, as well as unestablished artists are represtented at Maskinen.

Markus Lervik at Galleri Maskinen, 2012