Fullersta Bio Konsthall
Stockholm, Sweden
Huddinge KonstnärsKlubb/HKK was founded 1988 in connection with the opening of a new commercial suburban center in Huddinge, south of Stockholm. We wanted art and culture activities to take a considerable part in the suburban life. And at last we had the opportunity to open our own art gallery, Fullersta Bio Konsthall, in an old community building.
Since 1996 we have arranged more than 160 exhibitions, managed by the members of HKK on a non-profit-making basis, and documented in the recently published book “Fullersta Bio Konsthall 155 utställningar 1996-2009”. Especially we want to mention our exchanges with artist-organizations in other countries as Hungary, Greece, Netherlands, Greenland, Faroe Islands, Åland and Finland.
In large shop windows some exhibitions are shown 24 hours around.