Electric Room

Tehran, Iran (Islamic Republic of)

Qalamchi Dead End, Felestin Street North
1993653461 Tehran
Tehran, Iran (Islamic Republic of)


Electric Room is a project space established in June 2017 in downtown Tehran, Iran. The space showcases short-term experimental projects, research-based presentations, performances, screenings, smaller-scale events, and occasional single-piece exhibits. Visiting many studios and homes of artist, curators, collectors, and art lovers, both younger generations and more established individuals, one observes many aspects of how those in the art scene ‘live’ with art – their own, others’, and objects appropriated as art. For Supermarket 2018 we look at how individuals domesticise their love for art. Since fair booths are generally not the most ‘domestic’ or ‘friendly’ setting for enjoying art, we will create a peek into some of the most creative ways that Electric Room has observed people living with art.

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