ArtScene Trondheim

Trondheim, Norway

Trondheim, Norway

ArtSceneTrondheim (AST) is an artist-run organisation that highlights events in the contemporary art scene in the city of Trondheim. Our main activity is the web site where we publish art-criticism and pictures from exhibitions, events and happenings. AST also organises seminars.

The project was started due to a great need in the city for serious professional debate about contemporary art, and to challenge the existing order of things.
We work to provoke debate and stimulate the production of art critisim on contemporary art, with the aim of creating a platform for critical discussion across different generations of artists, art lovers, art haters, soon to be art lovers and soon to be art haters.
We do this by making the contemporary scene visible for the rest of the nordic region, through our picture blog/archive, and by publishing rapidly art criticism every month. The web page has between 6 - 9000 visitors every month.

ArtSceneTrondheim is supported by the Norwegian Arts Council, Stiftelsen Fritt Ord (The Norwegian Free Speech Organisation), among others.

ArtSceneTrondheim – is an artist-run organisation that highlights events in the contemporary art scene in the city of Trondheim. The webiste is an online magazine where reviews, art criticism and pictures from exhibitions, events and happenings in Trondheim are published.
ArtSceneTrondheim at the Eat The Rich festival in Trondheim august 2010. AST organised the exhibition Communcation breakdown with the artist: Erik Pirolt, Pernille Fjoran and Jason Havneraas.
Photo from Samtidslaboratorium III. From left to right: Jon Arild Johansen, Trondheim Art Museum, Jason Havneraas – artist, Jonathan Watkins, director of Ikon Gallery, Brimingham. Per Ananiassen, Director of Avant Garden Theater. Per Kristian Nygård, Editorial leader ArtSceneTrondheim. photo: Johannes Selvaag ©
In september 2010 ArtSceneTrondheim organised the seminar Contemporary Art and Prostitution, with Lars Vilks and Jean Mathee. A seminar about the condition of the contemporary art scene, and why art tend to look similar all over the world. photo: Lars Vilks flanked by two policemen.
ArtSceneTrondheim organises seminars about the condition of the contemporary art scene. In november 2010 AST organised “Samtidslaboratorium III” – a conversation with Jonathan Watkins, a discussion about what a Kunsthall in Trondheim can be. Left to right: Artist and debate leader Jason Havneraas and Jonathan Watkins, director of Ikon Gallery, Brimingham.